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Medical Practitioners Act 1995

XI: Miscellaneous Provisions
134   Council may withhold information in certain circumstances

   134. Council may withhold information in certain
 circumstances--- Where, pursuant to section 34 (5) (b) or section 46 (2)
 (b) or section 53 (2) (b) or section 61 (1) (b) or section 64 (2) (b) of
 this Act, the Council is required to make available to any person any
 information or any copy of any information, nothing in any of those
 provisions requires the Council to make available any information---
   (a) The making available of which would be likely---
           (i) To prejudice the maintenance of the law; or
           (ii) To endanger the safety of any person; or
           (iii) To prejudice the supply of similar information, or
         information from the same source; or
   (b) The withholding of which is necessary---
           (i) To protect the privacy of natural persons; or
           (ii) To protect any person from improper pressure or
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