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Medical Practitioners Act 1995

XI: Miscellaneous Provisions
135   Exclusion of liability

   135. Exclusion of liability--- (1) Neither the Council, nor a
 complaints assessment committee, nor the Tribunal, nor any member,
 officer, or employee of any of those bodies, shall be under any criminal
 or civil liability in respect of---
   (a) Any act done or omitted to be done in the course of performing or
         exercising any of their functions, duties, or powers; or
   (b) Any words spoken or written at or for the purposes of the hearing
         of any inquiry or other proceedings under this Act; or
   (c) Anything contained in any notice given under this Act,---
 unless that body or person has acted in bad faith or without reasonable

   (2) No person shall be under any civil liability in respect of---
   (a) Anything done or omitted to be done, or for any words spoken or
         written, in the course of making any assessment under section 16
         (4) of this Act; or
   (b) Any report made under section 16 (4) of this Act by that
 unless the person has acted in bad faith or without reasonable care.

   (3) No person shall be under any civil liability in respect of
 anything done or omitted to be done, or for any words spoken or written,
 in the course of conducting or assisting in conducting any competence
 programme or recertification programme, unless the person has acted in
 bad faith or without reasonable care.

   (4) No civil, criminal, or disciplinary proceedings shall lie against
 any person in respect of---
   (a) Any notice given under section 76 of this Act by that person; or
   (b) Any report made under section 80 (4) of this Act by that
 unless the person has acted in bad faith or without reasonable care.
     Cf. 1968, No. 46, s. 66; 1988, No. 150, s. 76
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