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Medical Practitioners Act 1995

III: Registration
Temporary Registration
25   Effect of temporary registration

   25. Effect of temporary registration---A person who holds temporary
 registration shall be deemed for all purposes to have general
 registration, but only---
   (a) In respect of those branches or sub-branches of medicine that are
         determined by the Council and specified in the register in
         respect of the person; and
   (b) For such period (not exceeding 2 years) as is determined by the
         Council and specified in the register in respect of the person;
   (c) In the case of a person who is granted temporary registration for
         the purpose specified in section 24 (a) (ii) of this Act, while
         he or she is practising in a hospital, or other place, approved
         (or of a kind approved) by the Council and specified in the
         register in respect of the person; and
   (d) So long as he or she complies with all conditions imposed by the
         Council in relation to his or her temporary registration and
         specified in the register in respect of the person.
     Cf. 1968, No. 46, s. 33 (6), (7)
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