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Medical Practitioners Act 1995

III: Registration
Procedure for Registration
34   Procedure for considering applications

   34. Procedure for considering applications---(1) The Council shall
 consider an application for registration as soon as reasonably
 practicable after its receipt.

   (2) The Council may, if it thinks fit, receive any information from or
 question the applicant, or any other person, in respect of an
 application being considered by the Council; and, for the purposes of
 any such questioning, the president may administer an oath to any

   (3) The Council may, if it thinks fit, require any person to verify by
 statutory declaration any statement made by the person in respect of an
 application being considered by the Council.

   (4) The Council may, before authorising the registration of any
 applicant, require the applicant to take and pass an examination or
 other assessment that is set or recognised by the Council, for the
 purpose of satisfying the Council that the applicant has either or both
 of the following:
   (a) Sufficient knowledge and experience to practise medicine (or a
         branch or sub-branch of medicine) in New Zealand:
   (b) A reasonable ability to communicate effectively in English.

   (5) If the Council proposes to decline any application or to impose
 any conditions on registration, it shall give the applicant,---
   (a) A notice containing such particulars as will clearly inform the
         applicant of the substance of the grounds on which the Council
         proposes to decline the application or impose conditions; and

   (b) Subject to section 134 of this Act, a copy of any information on
         which the Council relies in proposing to decline the application
         or impose conditions; and
   (c) A reasonable opportunity to make written submissions and be heard,
         either personally or by the applicant's representative, in
         respect of the matter.
     Cf. 1968, No. 46, s. 20; 1988, No. 150, s. 25
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