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Medical Practitioners Act 1995

V: Competence
65   Confidentiality of information

   65. Confidentiality of information---(1) No person who examines any
 clinical records of any medical practitioner pursuant to a requirement
 of a competence programme or a recertification programme shall disclose
 any information (being information about any identifiable individual)
 obtained by that person as a result of that examination, except for 1 or
 more of the following purposes:
   (a) For the purposes of making a report to the Council in relation to
         the medical practitioner concerned:
   (b) For the purposes of any criminal investigation or any criminal
         proceedings taken against that practitioner:
   (c) For the purpose of making the information available to the person
         to whom the information relates, in any case where---
           (i) The Council directs that the information be made
         available; or
           (ii) The person requests access to the information.

   (2) Every person commits an offence and is liable on summary
 conviction to a fine not exceeding $10,000 who discloses any information
 in contravention of subsection (1) of this section.

   (3) No information, statement, or admission that is disclosed or made
 by any medical practitioner in the course of, or for the purposes of
 satisfying the requirements of, any competence programme or
 recertification programme and that relates to any conduct of that
 medical practitioner (whether that conduct occurred before or during
 that programme)---
   (a) Shall be used or disclosed for any purpose other than the purposes
         of that programme; or
   (b) Shall be admissible against that person, or any other person, in
         any proceedings in any court or before any person acting
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