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Medical Practitioners Act 1995

VIII: Discipline
Complaints against Medical Practitioners
86   Suspension of action while matter under investigation by Health and Disability Commissioner

   86. Suspension of action while matter under investigation by Health
 and Disability Commissioner---Subject to section 102 (1) (a) of this
 Act, where, in accordance with section 83 (4) of this Act, a complaint
 is notified to the Health and Disability Commissioner, no action shall
 be taken under this Part of this Act concerning the complaint until---
   (a) The Health and Disability Commissioner notifies the president---
           (i) That the complaint is not to be investigated, or
         investigated further, under the Health and Disability
         Commissioner Act 1994; or
           (ii) That the complaint has been resolved; or
           (iii) That the complaint has been investigated under that Act
         and the complaint is not to be referred to the Director of
         Proceedings in accordance with section 45 (f) of that Act; or
   (b) The Director of Proceedings notifies the president that the
         Director of Proceedings has decided, pursuant to section 49 of
         that Act, not to lay a charge under section 102 (1) (a) of this
         Act in relation to the complaint.
     Cf. 1968, No. 46, s. 66D; 1994, No. 93, s. 2
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